Long-Form Content Standard

Micro3 is poised to transform the landscape of long-form content creation and consumption. The platform will offer a unique blend of extensive reach, akin to established platforms like Medium or Twitter, with the autonomy and censorship resistance characteristic of self-hosted blogs.

Two Content Formats:

  • Standard Content: Traditional long-form text featuring read-and-comment functionality for user engagement.

  • Interactive Content: Long-form content enhanced with interactive elements such as fill-in-the-blanks or missing word puzzles. Successful completion of these interactions will unlock additional content, promoting active reader participation.

Elevating the Reading Experience

To further enrich the reading experience and encourage comprehension, Micro3 will integrate quizzes into long-form content. Readers who answer quiz questions correctly will be rewarded with EXP in The Miro's Saga of Justice game, GENE, and occasional surprise gifts from the content creator.

This approach serves to not only reinforce knowledge retention but also stimulate active engagement and interaction with the content.

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