GENE - Soulbound Credentials of Micro3

GENE serves as the core element of Micro3, enabling you to fully experience the potential of SocialFi. As a sovereign, soul-bound credential, GENE validates your actions, fuels your social engagement, and authenticates your human interactions within the platform. By owning GENE, you become an active participant in the Micro3 ecosystem, contributing to its growth and evolution.

Acquiring GENE

  • Quest Completion: Successfully finishing a quest allows you to mint a GENE, providing verifiable proof of your accomplishment.

  • Social Engagement: In the near future, you'll be able to earn GENE by participating in various social activities like liking, sharing, and commenting on Social3.

  • Content Creation: Content creators can accumulate GENE by producing captivating content that attracts more users to the platform, thereby enhancing its overall vibrancy.

Benefits of GENE

GENE is designed to provide the following advantages:

USDT Rewards for Holding GENE:

Micro3 will implement a reward system where users receive USDT based on the quantity of GENE held in their wallet. There's no cap on these rewards; the more GENE you possess, the higher the potential rewards.

Important Note:

  • To be eligible for rewards, the required amount of GENE must be present on the same blockchain. For instance, if the milestone requires 25 GENEs, they all need to be on Arbitrum.

  • After GENE has been redeemed for a reward, it will still remain in your wallet but cannot be used again for future reward claims.

GENE Achievement on Micro3:

Holders of GENE can earn additional MXP rewards from their milestones on Micro3.

Last updated