Streak in Micro3
1. What is Streak?
Streak encourages users to maintain a consistent streak of minting NFTs, unlocking additional MXP rewards in Micro3.
2. How to Upgrade Streak?
Upgrading streak is automatic and doesn't require specific user actions. The primary focus is on users minting NFTs regularly to maintain and maximize their streak.
3. Minting Streak Mechanism:
The streak is based on a daily minting cycle, with a 24-hour limit from the last minting session.
Users earn additional MXP based on the number of consecutive days they mint NFTs.
The calculation is performed daily at 00:00 UTC.
4. Streak of Routines:
Additional Tokens = Days × 1
Maximum bonus Streak is 50 MXP
On day 1, a tier 1 user mints an NFT earns 6 MXP (5 basic MXP + 1 MXP from the streak).
On day 30, the reward reaches 35 MXP (5 basic MXP + 30 MXP from the streak) for a single NFT minting.
5. Streak Benefits:
The streak transforms the MXP accumulation into a rewarding journey, offering users increasing bonuses for maintaining consistent NFT minting habits.
Users can witness a significant boost in MXP rewards as they progress through consecutive days of minting.
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